Saturday, October 24, 2020

Taíno people: How did they live?

Taíno people were mainly an agrarian folk, but they also practiced fishing and hunting (they used to hunt small animals like lizards and birds). One of the main crops that they use was the “mandioca” or also known as “yuca” which is a tuber like potatoes. They used yuca to create some kind of bread called “casave” and also a vinegar and a fermented drink that they drank to rejoice during their celebrations and festivities.

When the night came and they had to sleep, they used Hamacas, and to have fun they used to play a sport in which they had to hit a ball in the air with any part of the body but the arms so that doesn’t fall to the ground. This sport is called “batey” also known as “batú”.

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Taíno Religion: The creation of the world!

This is the story of the creation according to the Taíno culture. How everyhting started with only 4 brothers! Pretty cool!