Saturday, October 24, 2020

Bohíos: Taíno houses

 Taíno houses, known as "bohíos" were made with simple materials, all of them easily found in nature like wood or foliage. Bohíos were built with strong logs to face possbile storms. They put reeds and palm leaves tied with vines to the logs to make walls. The roof was made of mud, leaves and straw and the floor was covered with canes or rods.

Bohíos were used only to sleep, rest or to convalesce from an illness, that's why inside of them there were just a few things, like a hamacas, a small chair, vessels, small food containers, religious objects and sometimes tools or weapons.

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Taíno Religion: The creation of the world!

This is the story of the creation according to the Taíno culture. How everyhting started with only 4 brothers! Pretty cool!